

Welcome to the Alternative Party 2008 press page!

To attend the event you need to accredit beforehand. Please do that ASAP so you'll be able to attend the exact event you are interested in. We will also be happy to arrange interview possibilities.

As last year, we will arrange a special press and VIP event during the event week. You are highly welcome to attend. There will be a possibility to interview our special guests and top artists and performers as well as the original creators of the event. Please inform your interest to so we can send you an invitation.

Accreditation and interviews: please email Suvi Alanko (beeta) +358 40 5375 303

We will gladly answer to any questions or comments you may have.

Tervetuloa Alternative Party 2008 -mediasivuille!

Voidaksesi osallistua tapahtumaan sinun tulee akkreditoitua etukäteen. Ole ystävällinen ja ota yhteyttä mahdollisimman pian, jotta mahdut varmasti juuri haluamaasi tapahtumaan. Tämä auttaa meitä myös tarjoamaan mahdollisimman tarkasti toiveitanne vastaavat haastattelumahdollisuudet.

Viimevuotiseen tapaan järjestämme myös erityisen lehdistö- ja vip-tilaisuuden tapahtumaviikolla ennen festivaalia. Olet erittäin tervetullut! Tapahtumassa on luonnollisestikin mahdollisuus tehdä juttuja ja haastatella niin erilaisia huippuvieraitamme ja artisteja kuin tapahtuman taustalla olevia aitoja ja alkuperäisiä scenejärjestäjiäkin. Ole ystävällinen ja lähetä sähköpostia jotta voimme lähettää sinulle kutsun.

Akkreditointi ja haastattelupyynnöt: sähköpostitse Suvi Alanko (beeta) +358 40 5375 303

Mikäli sinulla on minkäänlaisia kysymyksiä, vastaamme mielellämme.


Press kit

This press kit contains press releases and pictures for media use. Please click on the picture you would like to use to get the high resolution version.

All the releases and pictures can be downloaded to your computer for use in media. Just click right mouse button and select option "save as". Pictures are in the JPEG format and the resolution is mostly 300dpi. Text material is in PDF format, ask for other format.

Mikä Alternative Party? / The Alt Story



Front 242 / Elektronisen musiikin pioneerit ensimmäiselle Suomenkeikalleen - "Tämä on meille haaste"

Brad Templeton (EFF) / Alternative Partyn Kymmenvuotisjuhla

Sumua Suomessa


In English

Alternative Party 2008 Celebrates it's 10th anniversary

Fog in Finland


Alternative Party 2008

Graphics by Risto Mäki-Petäys.

Altparty 2008 poster photo in black and white
Poster photo
Altparty 2008 poster photo in colour
Poster photo
Altparty 2008 centerfold photo in black and white
Prototype photo
Altparty 2008 centerfold photo in black and white
Prototype photo
Three organizers from a different time
Three organizers
Altparty 2008 costume contest ad
Costume contest ad
Altparty 2008 poster photo in colour
Alt 2008 poster
Altparty 2008 Logo
Alt 2008 facts
Altparty 2008 Logo
Alt 2008 facts
Altparty 2008 Logo vaaka
Alt 2008 logo


Front 242

Front 242, our stars from Belgium, are the main musical guest of Alternative Party 2008.

Front 242 Poster Front 242 Logo
Front 242 Live Front 242 Band Front 242 Live


Brad Templeton

Special Guest at Alternative Party 2008. Templeton is currently the chairman of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), theleading cyberspace civil rights organisation, and involved with the Foresight Institute and BitTorrent and a lot more.



Desert Planet

Desert Planet is a bitpop/bitpunk band from Lapland, with special emphasis on visuals and music videos. If you use these pictures, please give credit to the photographer.

by Raymond Kriha

by Juha Sompinmäki


Tuomo Tammenpää

Tuomo Tammenpää is a Finnish circuit bender who will host a bending session with Kokeellisen elektroniikan seura (society of experimental electronics).



FogScreen videos




Kosmoplovci is a highly respected demoscene group from Serbia. Now we will see them first time ever in Northern Europe with  a live audiovisual performance KDES. Each KDES performance is unique and non repeating experience, a modern symphony of sound and vision



Front 242
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Brad Templeton Brad Templeton, bio
Kosmoplovci Kosmoplovci studios Kosmoplovci, MySpace
Tuomo Tammenpää
Iron Sky
Musical artists